
Suspicious Scientist:Doth [家裁内]

Suspicious Scientist: Do the UFO Sightings Seem Off? Brian Keating on Joe Rogan

Check out my conversation with Joe Rogan:

I had the pleasure of asking the one and only Joe Rogan how he reacts when he's talking to someone and he thinks they're wrong. This happened to me recently when I was talking to Ryan Graves and his team about their UFO sighting, and the science behind it seemed fishy to me! Here are my thoughts on the whole situation...

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tag: Dr Brian Keating,into the impossible,brian keating,cosmology,Big Bang,Theory of Everything,Theories of Everything,Experimental cosmology,Brain Keating,Into the impossible Podcast,Science Podcast,Scientific interviews,exploring the universe,Universe Facts,Scientific podcasts,space news,Universe exploration,Brain keating,Cosmology podcast,Black hole,Space discovery,Eric Wienstein,Space,Physics,Science,Experiment,Joe Rogan,JRE,Ryan Graves,UFO sighting
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WhyUFOSigh tingChangedNav [転売ヤー]

Why UFO Sighting Changed Navy Pilot

Ryan Graves joined the US Navy in 2009 and underwent years of rigorous training as a pilot, trained to be an expert observer. But something happened in 2014 that led to him being the first active-duty pilot to publicly disclose regular sightings of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). There have been over 500 reported UFO sightings in the US since 2004. And for a long time, all that was good for was getting you called a conspiracy theorist. Then in 2022, the Department of Defense admitted that some 171 unexplainable sightings displayed \unusual flight characteristics.” On this episode of Technality, we speak with Graves about what he saw and what he's trying to accomplish with his organization, Americans For Safe Aerospace.

#UAP #UFO #aerospace

Subscribe to Technality for all things future, tech & humanity.

tag: UAP,UFO,Pentagon,Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,US Government,Navy pilot,Chinese Spy Balloon,Ryan Graves,Americans For Safe Aerospace,Aliens,sci-fi,tech,science,flight security,national security,aerospace,United States Senate Committee on Armed Services,UAP hearing
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